Auto-recharge is a setting that will automatically add funds to your account when it falls below a certain threshold. This is highly recommended as it will ensure that your messages will not be interrupted. It's also necessary to enable auto-recharge for Call Forwarding. Be mindful of your usage, if you set your parameters to recharge when your balance falls below $10 to $25 and you're sending messages to 500 plus contacts you'll have many, many charges on your card.
You can find auto-recharge on the Billing Overview tab within your account.
IMPORTANT: Once your balance falls to $0, then any incoming and outgoing texts or calls will stop.
In this example, when your balance falls below $10, it will recharge the balance to $250 using the credit card selected.
Add A Backup Payment Method
You have the option to set up a Backup Payment Method so if the first credit card fails, we will attempt the second card to add credits to your account.
You can also set up a Backup Payment Method so if this card fails, it will attempt the backup card to ensure that funds are added.
Auto-Recharge In Flow
When composing and configuring a Broadcast we check if you have enough message credits to complete the Broadcast. If you don't have the necessary amount of message credits to complete your Broadcast we will prompt you to configure auto-recharge or add credits.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have a ton of charges on my account from Salesmsg
Be cognizant of how much the cost of your campaign is, you may want to consider purchasing the credits all at once ahead of time or increasing the auto-recharge amount you recharge up to.
Can I specify a single card for auto-recharge and a single card for my subscription fee?
No, but you can add a backup card should your main card fail for any reason we'll attempt to charge the other one.
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