Workflows is our BETA feature that allows you to automate your SMS communication with customers based on pre-set triggers, actions, and conditions. This can save time and effort, while also increasing the efficiency of your business.
To access Workflows, go to the Workflows tab, click on the ‘Create Workflow' button, and select one of five templates for the workflow. Then, choose a name for the workflow and click 'Save’. After that, you will have to choose triggers, actions, and conditions to describe the workflow to our system.
Let's explore currently available templates.
Getting Started with Workflows
If no workflows exist:
You will see an empty state table view with:
A notification message.
A button to Create a New Workflow.
A Help Guide button to assist in setup.
Once at least one workflow is created:
The table view replaces the empty state.
Enroll Contacts in Active Workflow
Easily streamline your contact management with the new "Enroll in Workflow" feature. Effortlessly add contacts to active workflows directly from the conversation sidebar, contact view, or broadcast and trigger pages.
If no workflows are available, a helpful tooltip ensures clarity with the message "No active workflows." Designed to simplify and enhance your workflow enrollment process, this feature activates when the workflow option is enabled.
The Autoresponder workflow template is designed to send automated SMS messages to customers based on pre-set triggers, like specific events or conditions.
The Reviews workflow template allows you to send an SMS to request a review from your customers offering them incentives for a review. This can help increase your business's online reputation and improve customer satisfaction.
The NPS (Net Promoter Score) workflow template is used to send an SMS survey to active customers, segment them, and request a review if the score is high. This can help you understand how satisfied your customers are with your business and identify areas for improvement.
Nurture Campaign
The Nurture Campaign template is designed to send an SMS to clients and follow up on their response, checking for interest in the service. This can help you nurture leads and move them further down the sales funnel.
Send a Message
The Send a Message workflow allows you to immediately send an SMS to customers based on pre-set triggers, like specific events or conditions.
How it works
Each template has a number of basic steps that make your customer move forward within the workflow. In a nutshell, the most essential steps are: triggers, actions and conditions. Moving forward, you’ll see some additional steps that can be used your algorithm such as waiting time, tags and more. Let’s see how it works.
Workflow Table View
Name – Displays the workflow name.
Enrolled Contacts – Number of contacts enrolled.
Created At Date – Date the workflow was created.
Last Modified Date – Date of the latest modification.
Status – Indicates whether the workflow is Active or Inactive.
Individual Workflow Management Options:
Turn On/Off:
Change the workflow status between Active and Inactive.
A toast message confirms the status update.
Opens the workflow creation page with prefilled data for editing.
Opens the workflow creation page with prefilled data for creating a new workflow.
By default, the new workflow is named “Copy of X”, where X is the original workflow name.
Shows a confirmation modal.
If confirmed: The workflow is removed from the table and database, and a toast message confirms the deletion.
If canceled: The workflow remains in the table.
Step 1. Trigger criteria
To set a trigger criteria to send a message click on the trigger block of the template and choose a filter or multiple filters for enrolling contacts into your workflow. You can use tags, contact or custom fields, geolocation or activity of your leads here. You can also use AND/OR operators for filtering the contacts to make sure that you're only enrolling the right people in this workflow.
A common trigger would be based on the opt-in source, i.e. where did that contact come from. It can be a chat widget if it is enabled on your website, a CRM, an inbound call, etc. Another common trigger is based on activity. If you want to send a message to everybody who opt in through the web chat widget and who you have not contacted before, you can set the last message sent to be unknown. So, you can make sure that these are the people that you have not contacted before.
You can also enroll Contacts manually by pressing "Enroll" button in the workflows.
Step 2. Set up an action
Based on the triggers you have set up, you can send a message to the relevant audience. First, you can choose the inbox you want to send an SMS from, then you can type in the message. Media gallery, merge fields and attachments are coming soon, so you’ll be able to personalize your message. Click ‘Save’ and move to the next step.
Step 3. Wait Time
Next, you can set wait time and activation event in the workflow. For the Beta version, wait time is set to 1 day and activation event to Message Received. This step allows you to delay subsequent actions until an event occurs in the workflow. Your customer will receive a follow up message once the wait time is over or the moment you receive a message from the customer. The wait block ensures that the workflow proceeds at the right pace and avoids overwhelming the recipient with too many messages at once.
Step 4. Tags
Moving forward, you might need to tag those customers who got your first message. For instance, you send out the first message asking if the customers are interested in a demo. Those who answered positively can be tagged. Click on ‘Add tag’ block and choose a tag that will be applied automatically. If you used tags to filter users for your first message, there’s an option to untag users as well, so they don’t receive the same message again.
Step 5. If/Else Conditions
Furthermore, you can use a condition for a follow up action. In a Beta version, in if/else block you can check if message received body contains particular keywords. Next, set up true and false branches. For each branch you can set up the name and the follow up actions.
Step 6. Publish the workflow
Once you're ready to publish your workflow, you will have some options. First, it will tell you how many contacts meet the criteria. You can view the list to make sure it's solid. You can choose not to enroll existing contacts into the workflow, i.e. only allow the new contacts to enter it. You can choose to allow contacts to reenter the scenario. Finally, you can turn on the workflow.
Step 7. Manual enrollment
You can enroll contacts manually, mainly for testing purposes. Click ‘Enroll’ and choose the right contacts. To enroll test contacts, make sure to disable 'Apply filters on contacts' toggle because your contact most likely won't meet the trigger criteria if you're just testing.
With Workflows, you can automate your SMS communication with customers and save time and effort. The available templates make it easy to set up workflows for different scenarios, such as sending automated messages, requesting reviews, and nurturing leads. By using Workflows, you can improve customer satisfaction, increase sales, and grow your business.
Workflows is our BETA feature that allows you to automate your SMS communication with customers based on pre-set triggers, actions, and conditions. This can save time and effort while increasing business efficiency.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I set my workflow to automatically expire or turn off?
No, the workflow will need to be manually turned off.
What happens when I edit an active list used in a workflow's enrollment triggers?
To update the trigger list we need to stop the workflow fist. Afterwards, you can edit the list and re-enable workflow. You also will be able to enroll all contacts matching new filters by checking the corresponding checkbox.
What happens to enrolled contacts when I add more workflow actions?
As soon as the workflow is published, you cannot apply any changes to it. In the case when workflow is updated, you can re-enroll same contacts once again if re-enrollment is enabled for that workflow. Otherwise, only the new contacts will see the updated workflow.
How can I test the workflow?
You can manually enroll a user to your workflow just make sure that applying filters is off. Manual enrollment will skip over any other trigger criteria set for this workflow.
Need Help? ✋🏻
Contact us on live chat or send an email to us at [email protected].