The Salesmsg HubSpot integration gives you a simple way to send and receive text messages right from the Contact and Deal record without having to leave HubSpot.
How it works
Once you've integrated HubSpot with Salesmsg, you'll see our Salesmsg widget in the HubSpot contact record & HubSpot Deals. This is where you can quickly send your contact a message and easily watch live status updates from your messages.
Salesmsg's Extention HubSpot Features
Two-Way SMS & MMS Text Messaging
From the chat interface, you can send and receive SMS text messages as well as MMS (multi-media) messages like animated gifs, images, and Vcards.Β
Text from Contacts & Deal Records
You can text your contacts from either the Contacts or the Deal records page in HubSpot so you won't have to leave HubSpot to text your contacts.
Canned Messages
Canned Messages are like text message templates. They give you a way to create and personalize with HubSpot tokens to easily point, click, and insert the canned message into the text.
Insert HubSpot Properties
You can easily search for any existing HubSpot Property to insert the information that exists on that particular contact. For example, "Hi {FirstName}, do you still live in {HubSpot.City}?" and Salesmsg will insert the information into the text message.
Internal Notes
If you need to leave an internal note, just click the switcher to Note and this message will only be viewed by your internal account and team.
Message Scheduling
Need to schedule a message to go out at a later date? Just click the timer icon in the text board and set the schedule for when to deliver your next message. Read more on how to Schedule a text for later.
AI prompts
Leverage AI capabilities to either generate responses automatically or to refine and elevate your manually crafted messages.
Automatic Timeline Activity
Never miss a message or conversation! Salesmsg will automatically post your messages to the contacts timeline for you to see at any time.
These timeline events are coupled with your most recent messages that are located directly above the Salesmsg Extention on the Deal/Contact record.
Latest Message Body
The latest body of both inbound and outbound messages is automatically stored in HubSpot properties. These can be utilized for a wide range of word- and symbol-based workflows.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I send a text through HubSpot after a contact Opts out?
No, you can not. For our users' convenience, we do indicate the Salesmsg Texting opt'd status right on the HubSpot contact record.
I don't see any messages displayed on the Deal/Contact record after I send a text through HubSpot?
Be sure you're texting a HubSpot x Salesmsg linked contact and your timeline filters are checked for integrations and HubSpot.
My contact sent me a picture but I don't see anything?
The attached media can be viewed in Salesmsg timeline events or by clicking the "view Salesmsg" button in the recent messages or timeline events.
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