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Create or find a Pipedrive Contact in Salesmsg
Create or find a Pipedrive Contact in Salesmsg

Create, find and link Pipedrive contacts with Salesmsg

David Stupek avatar
Written by David Stupek
Updated over 4 months ago

Once you're integrated with Pipedrive, you can create a Salesmsg-Pipedrive linked contact through your Salesmsg account.

Creating the contact

From the top left corner of your screen, select the plus button, then select create contact.

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When you enter your contacts information like name, number, or email we'll search Pipedrive for your contact! When you select them they become linked with the Salesmsg copy!

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Linked contacts

  1. A Salesmsg-Pipedrive linked contact will leave inbound & outbound SMS messages as notes on the Pipedrive contact record.

  2. You can jump to the Pipedrive contact record page using the "view contact" button

  3. Contacts linked to Pipedrive deals will also have messages logged to the deal

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3. Pipedrive property access for Merge Fields. This lets you insert Pipedrive properties dynamically across Canned Messages.

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Live Search

With live search, you can skip adding your contacts the conventional way and search for your Pipedrive contacts on Salesmsg before manually adding them. Once integrated with Pipedrive your Pipedrive contacts are discoverable through Salesmsg. Selecting the contact automatically adds and links it to your Salesmsg contacts.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I receive an error telling me the contact is already linked?

This happens when a user has integrated with multiple CRMs and the contact they are looking for exists on multiple CRMs. Salesmsg will only let you have a single CRM linked version of a contact. Meaning you can't make duplicate contacts with the same phone number on Salesmsg even if you have 2 or more versions of the same contact on multiple CRMs.

Can I sort my contacts on Salesmsg?

Yes, on the Salesmsg contacts page click the title of the column that has the property you'd like to sort by! Name, Email, Phone Number, Tags

Live search is not working for me?

Live search only functions on your Conversations page. Searching for Contacts on the Contacts page will only yield contacts that are already in your Salesmsg account.

Need Help? βœ‹πŸ»

Contact us on live chat or send an email to us at [email protected].


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