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Choosing Your Phone Number

Compare phone number options in Salesmsg, and learn more about using a number you already own.

David Stupek avatar
Written by David Stupek
Updated this week

Unsure of what phone number options you have when signing up with Salesmsg? In this article, we'll go over local (area code) and Toll-free numbers, as well as provide information on bringing over an existing phone number.

Let's talk throughput (speed)

Simply put, throughput is the rate at which a phone number can send a message. Each type of phone number (local, Toll-free, and short-code) have a designated default throughput.

Local numbers can send one message per second (MPS). Local numbers are ideal for one-to-one and one-to-few conversations. Local phone numbers are locked at 1MPS.

If you'd like to send a message to 1,000 contacts, a local number would take at least 1,000 seconds (or approximately 16.67 minutes) to deliver those messages.

Toll-Free numbers have a default of 3 messages per second (MPS) but can also be configured to support higher volume by upgrading the "throughput" on these numbers. We can increase the throughput of Toll-free numbers up to 25MPS, 50MPS, and even 100MPS as needed, with a one-time and per-month fee associated with each tier:

Toll-free phone numbers are ideal for a national presence brand and/or for any customer who is looking to engage a large customer list on a regular basis.

Short-codes are shortened phone numbers, for example "79000", which serve as an ideal option the large-scale outbound messaging. For customers engaging thousands of customers on a daily or weekly basis, a short-code number is ideal to ensure messages are delivered quickly.

If your team is curious if a short-code phone number is right for your needs, connect with us and we can make a recommendation.

Salesmsg Provided Numbers

After registering for a Salesmsg account, you'll be prompted to select either a Toll-Free, or Local area code phone number.

  1. Log into your new account and select Toll-Free or Local Area Code numbers
    *​When selecting a local number, you'll need to specify if you want a United States number or Canadian number.

  2. Enter the desired area code.

  3. If you don't like any of the options returned, you can refresh to look for more. If you still don't see the area code of your desired location, reach out to our Support team to help.

  4. Once you've found one you like press "Select Number".

Using Your Own Number

Do you have a local or Toll-free number that you'd like to use in Salesmsg instead? You may be interested in Hosting or Porting that number over to Salesmsg.
​Hosting refers to SMS-enabling a phone number. Meaning the calling features stay with your current provider, and the SMS portion of that phone number is brought over to Salesmsg for purposes of texting only.

Porting refers bringing over the entire phone line to Salesmsg, so that both SMS and (all) calling features are with Salesmsg only.

If you're considering bringing a local phone number over to Salesmsg in order to text U.S. recipients, please note that your Salesmsg account should be first fully approved for A2P 10DLC texting compliance to avoid any unnecessary filtering by the carriers.

Great News for Those with Landlines!

If you have a Landline phone number, you can actually proceed in app to SMS-enable (Host) your number here:

You'll be asked to provide your billing address, verify ownership of the phone line via a quick over-the-phone (OTP) code, and fill out the LOA (Letter of Authorization) - all in app!

Hosting (SMS-enabling) a VoIP Number

If you're using a VoIP phone number purchased from an online voice service provider, we can typically SMS-enable these numbers as well, while retaining voice service/calling with the original provider.

Here are the steps you should take to in order to prepare the number:

  1. Contact the current provider and speak with the department responsible for routing SMS traffic. Express your desire to transfer your SMS traffic to Twilio (our carrier).

  2. File a request to delete the existing SMS routing profile on the number (also known as "SPID").

*Please note that your current provider has no obligation to fulfill this request, as they have rightful ownership of the numbers' SMS traffic while they are the voice provider.

Once the phone line is ready, connect with our team via live chat, or submit a ticket below to get the Host process started!

➑️ Submit your Host/SMS-enablement request by clicking here! ⬅️

What you can expect when Hosting your number to Salesmsg:

  • Your phone usage rate will change to Salesmsg usage rates for charges regarding SMS & MMS (texting only)

  • The Host process typically takes 2-3 business days once the request is successfully submitted

  • The phone number in service with the losing/current carrier, must remain in service with the voice carrier, as they own the number

  • See FAQ for possible downtime once the number is hosted

Porting a Phone Number into Salesmsg

Looking to bring over your phone line entirely (both SMS & calling features)?

Connect with our team via live chat, or submit a ticket below to get the Port process started!

➑️ Submit your Port request by clicking here! ⬅️

What you can expect when Porting your number to Salesmsg:

  • Your phone usage rate will change to Salesmsg usage rates for charges regarding SMS, MMS, and Calling/Voice features

  • The Port process typically takes 2-4 weeks once the request is successfully submitted

  • The phone number in service with the losing/current carrier, must remain in service until the port completes, in order to avoid any delays or rejections

  • See FAQ for possible downtime once the number is ported

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be any downtime after I bring my phone number over to Salesmsg?

For Toll-free numbers, you can only complete texting compliance once the number is brought over, so you will not be able to send outgoing texts until your Toll-free number is verified through Salesmsg.

For local phone numbers where you plan on texting U.S. recipients - in some case it may take the carriers up to 3 business days to sync your phone line with your approved 10DLC status. If this is the case, you'll see your messages failed with the error code 30034 - "Message from an Unregistered Number". This is to be expected, and will clear up once the number is synced.

The number I brought to Salesmsg from my VoIP service provider suddenly stopped working?

This is a very strong indicator that your voice service provider made an upstream carrier network change to your number that disrupted the configuration previously set up by Salesmsg.

Reach out to our team, we'll confirm this and help you work with your voice provider to restore SMS.

I picked a Salesmsg number, but I want to replace it with a different number?

To do this, reach out to our Support team. In most circumstances there will be a $5 fee charged to the card on file to replace a Salesmsg provided phone number with another Salesmsg provided number.

How can I acquire a short-code number?

Connect with our team via [email protected] and we will walk you through the application process. There is a quarterly or annual cost for a short-code number.

Will Salesmsg help me work with my VoIP service provider to enable my number for Salesmsg texting?
Yes, we absolutely will and we'll do it free of charge.

How can I ensure my messages are delivered?
SMS Compliance! 10DLC for local numbers (US) or Toll-Free number verification (US/Canada).

Need Help? βœ‹πŸ»

Contact us on live chat or send an email to us at [email protected].

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