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Custom Fields

Create custom fields for your Salesmsg contacts.

David Stupek avatar
Written by David Stupek
Updated over 7 months ago

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Salesmsg custom properties are the best way to save unique contact information and to keep all the personalized details about your contacts at your fingertips. The possibilities are endless! Save their pet's name, their anniversary, shoe size, favorite color, or even a link to their website.


Salesmsg custom properties are very useful. When you create a new custom property for your contacts, you have two things to select. First is a recognizable title for your custom property (i.e "Birthday"). The second is a type. When we refer to "types" of custom properties, the options are Number, Text, URL, and Date.

Of course, when you create a new contact property field, the field will be created for all contacts. You can also dictate if you'd like this custom property added to the contact card on the conversations page.

Creating your first custom property

  1. Open your profile menu on the bottom left side of your screen

  2. Select Settings, and find { } Custom Fields under the "Product" subcategory

  3. Select "Create Field" in the top right

How do these work for SMS?

Now for the fun part, let's send messages that pull dynamic information based on the value saved in your custom property. You could add your custom properties to Salesmsg Canned Messages, Broadcasts, & Custom Triggers, or even just pull them into a one-off message.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I map & sync Salesmsg custom fields with my CRM properties?

You can't but your CRM properties are always accessible in the same way custom properties are with the exception of adding them to the contact card.

Can I Import Values to Custom Properties by Way of Importing a .CSV?

Yes, you can. If you have set up custom properties like "Address", are importing a .CSV that has a column for "Address" and there are values in that column associated with contacts you're importing you can import the values for "Address" for your contacts.

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