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Show All inboxes with Unified Inbox
Show All inboxes with Unified Inbox

This will show you how to Switch Inboxes that are in use, in addition, to showing all Inboxes at the same time with our Unified Inbox

Alex Molloy avatar
Written by Alex Molloy
Updated over a week ago

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Being able to find the conversations you're looking for quickly is a critical component to using a Business Texting Service. Salesmsg gives you the ability to view Shared Inboxes and Personal Inboxes at the same time with the Unified Inbox.

Identify What Inbox is in Use

If you head over the Conversations page, on the top left corner you will be able to see the current inbox in use.

Switch Inboxes to display the Unified Inbox

  1. Click on the current Inbox.

  2. Select Unified Inbox to show all Inboxes that you have access to.

Note that all conversations will show what Inbox they are coming from.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I view another member's Inbox?

If it is a Shared Inbox, your Organization Owner may have forgotten to add you. Personal Inboxes cannot be shared with other members... at this time. ;)

Why is the Unified Inbox not an option on the Conversations page?

If you cannot select Unified Inbox or any other inbox that is not your Personal Inbox, that means that you only have access to one Inbox. Unified Inboxes only apply to accounts that have access to multiple Inboxes.

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